Process Technology - A.A.S. Degree/Certificate
Resources for Process Technology Students and Professionals
This website informs students and job seekers about the thriving Petrochemical industry
and helps them get the education needed to prepare for a fulfilling long-term career
in Petrochem.
North American Process Technology Alliance (NAPTA)
The North American Process Technology Alliance (NAPTA) is an organization of the Process
Technology (PTEC) education providers and their business, industry, and community
advisors cooperatively working toward their common goals. NAPTA is the standard–bearer
of the PTEC curriculum. The NAPTA audits PTEC degree programs in North America and
endorses those that meet its criteria. Several colleges have received the NAPTA endorsement.
$500 Scholarship
LyondellBasell Process Technology Scholarship
$1000 Scholarship - Application Deadline: December 18
Avery Gutierrez Memorial Process Technology Scholarship
Process Technology is part of our Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics Career Pathway. Click the box below to see other programs that may interest you.
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Career Pathway